through nature
The significance of plants is clear.
Where would we be without plants?
They are the most important, least understood, and the most taken-for-granted of all living matter in our world. We still have so much to learn about plants – scientific research studies conclude that their complex biochemistry holds the potential answers in the reversal of dis-ease and to our well-being.
Phytochemicals may not be considered essential for nutrition; however, they are essential for the many medicinal biological activities they provide in human health benefits. For humans, plants are indeed “bioessential” for our own survival, well-being, and longevity.

Not all gemmos are created equally! Nature Provides is different, we provide…

100% Organic

Traceable Nutrients


Gemmotherapy is a super power of the plant kingdom.
Gemma comes from the Latin word bud. It’s the super bright, super light, expansive exhilaration exploding from the new growth of the plant. The buds powerful effects comes from the growth hormones of the germinating plant parts. Auxins, Gibberellins, Cytokinins, and Abscissin are just a few. Once the plant bud, rootlet or young shoot matures and begins producing chlorophyll, many of these constituents begin to subside. The plant bud extracts then carry this regeneration energy into our own cells, tissues and organs.
You deserve quality ingredients.
- Organic glycerin
- Organic grape alcohol
- Organic wild-harvest buds, rootlets, young shoots & germinating seeds
We do not add water to our extracts because the precious buds contain 70 to 80% water in their natural state. So we get a perfect blend of plant energy, alcohol and glycerin with lots of water coming naturally into the mix.
Our plants are hand selected with love and care from a team of botanists in Italy. We pick only 20% of the new plant growth so that the mama plant may continue to thrive and grow.