Stress Free/Linden Tree Bundle



SKU:StrLin - B

Stress Free Linden Tree Bundle

This bundle includes:

PSC Stress Free – 1:20 – 50 mL – $66 retail price  

In times of stress, the body feels disoriented, desires calm, serenity, mental focus and well-being. This synergetic complex restores and maintains a balanced state, promoting a peaceful and mindful harmony.


Rhodiola 1:20 – embryonic roots

Apoptogenic physical and mental performance support

Black Currant 1:20 – fresh buds

Adrenal and adaptogenic support

Linden Tree 1:20 – fresh buds

Balancing, detoxing, drainage, calming and sedative comfort on the overall nervous system

Passionflower 1:20 – fresh buds

Nervous system calming, nourishing and relaxing support

Blackthorn 1:20 – fresh buds

Nervous and general rebalance in stressful situation

PSC Linden Tree 1:10 – 50 mL – $72 retail price

Detoxifies the nervous system; Anxiolytic, sleep inducer, antispasmodic, sedative

Weight .50 lbs
Dimensions 1.5 × 3.5 × 4.5 in
Weight .50 lbs
Dimensions 1.5 × 3.5 × 4.5 in
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