Breathe Easy

Primary Actions: Support the entire pulmonary system for viral bronchitis. A soothing expectorant that reduces mucous secretion, it suppresses the cough associated with bronchitis or the side effects of cigarette smoking.

Black Elder: Provides immune support; neuroprotective; allergy support. Helps treatment of Raynaud’s syndrome and cold and flu.

Black Poplar: Regulator for autoimmune T-cells; Promotes the elimination of accumulated toxins Detoxifies the arteries, arteritis, and thrombolytic arteritis. Improves circulation. Chelator of toxic metals, especially lead.

Elecampane: Detoxifies and strengthens the respiratory tract and mucous membranes. Expectorant for acute and chronic coughs with catarrh, and whooping cough; antioxidant, anti-inflammatory.

Hazel: Anti-scar tissue agent; potent phyto-oncological agent; reduces cholesterol, fatty liver, and dyspepsia; Prevents fibrosis; supports mesenchymal connective tissue.

Horse Chestnut: Support for veins and vein walls, particularly vascular inflammation of the lower torso, abdomen, and legs; Improves circulation and lung function. For hemorrhoids, spider veins; a venous decongestant. Edema resulting from Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI); Blood detoxification, especially due to excess xenoestrogens

Sundews SYS: For chronic or lingering cough; expectorant, mucolytic, antispasmodic and antibacterial. Respiratory disorders such as asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia

Wayfaring Tree: Harmonizer for the pulmonary system; Asthma; COPD; HPT axis
Therapeutic Actions:

  • Immune support
  • Lung/pulmonary system support
  • Anti-viral
  • Antibacterial
  • Antioxidant

Clinical Indications:

  • Regulates pulmonary health
  • Fights cold and flu
  • Supports healthy digestion