Vein Health Complex
Horse Chestnut (buds), Service Tree (buds), Sweet Chestnut (buds)

Polycrest: Horse Chestnut: Hemorrhoids, spider veins; venous decongestant, varicosities, varicose veins, broken capillaries, telangiectasis. Edema resulting from Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI); Blood detoxification, especially due to excess xenoestrogens

Service Tree: Circulation; Hearing; Tinnitus  
Sweet Chestnut: Lymph and venous system; HPV infections  
Primary Actions: Supports healthy veins, improves circulation, reduces hemorrhoids and improves capillary frailties.

Horse Chestnut (buds): Support for veins and vein walls, particularly vascular inflammation of the lower torso, abdomen, and legs; Improves circulation and lung function. 

Service Tree (buds): Harmonizer of the circulation of lymphatic fluids and blood. Promotes fluidity of blood and protects veins, reducing congested states. Venous detoxifier, a major regulator of venous circulation. Restores tissues in the ear and eardrum. 

Sweet Chestnut (buds): ​​Support for the lymphatic system, especially the lower torso, and lungs. Supports vascular circulation and vein health; General detoxifier; Venous and Lymphatic Congestions, Anti-inflammatory, Spasmodic Phenomenon, Lymphatic Stasis as in Lymphedema post Mastectomy, Varicose veins, and Varicose Ulcers. Varicosities and Varices venous flow disturbances.

Therapeutic Actions:

  • Antioxidant
  • Astringent
  • Digestion
  • Detoxificant

Clinical Indications:

  • Regulates circulation and strengthens vein walls
  • Reduces blood clotting
  • Good for heavy leg syndrome, hypertension, menopause, varicose vein, hemorrhoids
  • Lymphatic and circulatory systems cleanser

Energetics:  Creates movement and flow; Opens up possibilities; Releases the heaviness of difficult situations in life